Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Population Control - 1497 Words

Population Control Population growth, a topic most likely insignificant to the common man, but the world’s population growth and control of that population growth is necessary for our overall survival. The issue has been discussed due to fear of the world becoming overpopulated. Experts and nations alike have monitored this recent growth in our population to predict any struggle that may occur before it is encountered. If the world becomes overpopulated, the limited amount of resources we have would not be able to support the entirety of the people in need. Also, if left unmonitored, the growth of our population could fluctuate and cause unsuspected chaos in terms of death to birthrates, male to female rates. Having more men than women†¦show more content†¦Since couples can only have one child, and in Chinese culture a boy brings better fortune and is more respected in society, couples that conceive a girl as there one child give her away or abort her in order to conc eive a boy child instead. This problem has caused China’s man to woman ratio to shift extremely in the favor of men. Therefore, the country is overall becoming less fertile and fated to becoming under populated. This is another reason why monitoring population growth is beneficial. The projection of population not only allows governments to predict a decline, but also allows governments to monitor the future death to birth rates and men to woman rates. All of which are equally as vital. China has been one victim to overpopulation, and the government of China was able to project and maintain the situation, to un-intensify its tragic results. However, China’s solution to over population is not the only one. It is theorized that the world can maintain a larger population without complications, under lower standards of living. Resulting in more deaths and an overall population decline. (Arsenault) This is true because the world’s growing population is also a result of the world’s overall better living conditions. (Leahy) Confiscating those fairly good living conditions, and the population will slowly decline to a sustainable amount. However, this becomes a double standard because the people will notShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Population Control1188 Words   |  5 PagesPopulation Control Are there really methods of population control? Population control, the speechless facts of existence of the 1970’s and 1980’s, was the catchphrase of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Could government programs, contraception, war, and poverty be methods of control already in effect today? 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The idea of curbing population growth is not new, but it has only joined the environmental discourse over the course of the last century. As science and technology advance, humanity has succeeded in overcoming natural growth limits but not in sustainably addressing anthropocentric environmental issues. Each human places additional strain on the environment and contributes to its degradation. Therefore, non-coercive population control should be institutedRead MorePopulation Control. Overpopulation Is Defined As The â€Å"Condition1482 Words   |  6 PagesPopulation Control Overpopulation is defined as the â€Å"condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash† (Merriam-Webster). A similar way to think of this is if there are 10 people in a small elevator, it is going to feel congested and cramped. The people will be uncomfortable and they won’t be content with the current situation. 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