Saturday, January 25, 2020

dystopia Vs Utopia ( A clockwork orange Vs. Player Piano :: essays research papers

Utopia can be defined as a place immune from inhumane treatment and absent of the hardships of society , where the population is blindfolded from fear, anxiety, and general negative aspects of human nature. A utopia can be generalized as that perfect society. This is one type of a drastic society. There is another, more appalling type of society, that of a dystopia. A Dystopia is nor a fairyland or the promised-land like the utopia is, it looks at the chaos, anarchy, rebellion and disorder of a society. As we compare these two opposite society types, there are two books that are the poster child of utopia and dystopia. Those two books are Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano", and Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange". In Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" we follow the hero Paul Protues through his utopian society. Where in his society they have just recovered from a ten year war and now has been built up and ran completely by machines. Furthermore a super computer always controls the populations actions, it acts as a shepherd leading the sheep. However where there are sheep there is always a ever lurking black sheep, Paul is that of a black sheep. Through his journey in this utopian society we follow his rebellion against the super computer and machines. As Paul progresses in his society it becomes less and less of a utopia on more and more of a force fed, totally governed society where there is little freewill. As we follow his expedition we can see the changing society from a utopia to what Paul perceives as a dystopia. In Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange" we observe the antagonist Alex in his blatant dystopia society. Where in his society they have high criminal activity and few police. We follow Alex and his "droogs" as they acts like Vikings, raping, pillaging, and burning. Alex has no respect for law and order he rebels in part one of the novel . However Alex is eventually caught by the police and put in jail. In jail he is tricked to being rehabilitated to becoming a productive member of society. After this forced rehabilitation Alex is then to perceive society as a utopian society and stop being so violent. He has lost his own freewill and his identity. When ever Alex thinks of violent images he then gets sick to his stomach.

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