Monday, August 24, 2020

Descartes Discourse on the Thinking and Existence Essay

Descartes Discourse on the Thinking and Existence - Essay Example Descartes proceeds to investigate the inception of the human deduction capacity so as to legitimize the flawlessness of knowing than questioning. He clarifies that by questioning we get the opportunity to concoct clarifications that lead to knowing. This leads him to the end that the thoughts of the conceivable things exist inside him, yet they don't start from him, rather they are forced on him by a more immaculate being than him (God). The consolidation of Descartes presence with God is very persuading. He contends that since he knew more than what really existed in his inner voice, at that point it implied the additional information was gotten from an outside source. On the off chance that the outer source didn't exist, it should imply that he was unable to have been how he was; mortal, changing, limited and inept. God as indicated by him included unto him the flawlessness that he expected to delete question from his psyche. So one’s nature will permit him/her to know as quite a bit of God’s nature as possible. Descartes in his mission to find increasingly about himself winds up demonstrating that God exists. I concur with him since he unmistakably plots man’s blemishes, in this way admires God for direction in nearly everything. In any case, a person’s thinking constrains them inside a short extent of creative mind that they end up not addressing what they believe is valid. We are such a great amount of established in our societies and odd notions until we are rendered mentally impaired.â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is a story that explores issues of isolation

Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is a story that investigates issues of seclusion, local friendship and the numerous hardships of society Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and household fondness Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is a story that investigates issues of seclusion, local warmth and the numerous hardships of society, it was distributed in 1818. Mary shelly composed the book two years prior yet had issues getting it distributed, as ladies didn't have the ability to distribute books, it was the guys in the public arena who had the ability to distribute books at that point. During the time Mary shelly was composition the novel there had been a French upheaval abroad in America and the Declaration of autonomy had been instated. A large number of the characters in Frankenstein may depict the activities of the changes on the planet at that point. Mary shelly investigates the nature sustain banter through Victor the animal and the delaceys. The nature sustain contention tends to heaps of various and clashing sees in the improvement of youngsters. Numerous individuals accept that individuals are brought into the world abhorrence and that there is no way around it. In any case, many accept this is lethargy appeared by the guardians of that kid and they accept that the youngster turns out to be acceptable or underhanded, due to the measure of affection and defensive direction given to the youngster from its Guardians. Shelley shows every one of us well the long-extend impacts of ruining a youngster to the extraordinary in her novel Frankenstein. Set in the mid-nineteenth century, the novel subtleties the life of Victor Frankenstein, Justine, Elizabeth, the delaceys and the beast he made to handle issues of detachment, household friendship and the numerous hardships of society. Be that as it may, it too fills in as a model of a definitive repercussi... ...t in on the off chance that he needed to have a family that adored him and sustained him. He begins to understand this is the end for his expectations of a ordinary life. The animal attempts to be acknowledged into the family by addressing the daze man, the visually impaired man is absent to any flaws the animal may have. Agatha swooned, and safie unfit to go to his companion hurried out of the house. Felix shot forward and with an extraordinary power tore me from his dad, to whose knees I clung; in a vehicle of rage, he ran me to the ground with a stick .I could have torn him appendage structure appendage, as a lion tears the eland. He presently understands that all trust is lost of ever finding a family that will cherish him and show him household warmth thus flounders in self centeredness. He at that point torches the delaceys house at it is an image of a pleasant warm family that he isn't separated of so he annihilates it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

How Zoloft Is Used to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder

How Zoloft Is Used to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Print Zoloft as Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on June 20, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on November 25, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Dosage Contraindications Interactions Side Effects Risks View All Zoloft is the brand name of the generic medication sertraline hydrochloride. Zoloft is a prescription medication used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, and other serious mental health problems.?? Manufactured by Pfizer, Zoloft has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of social anxiety disorder since 2003 and is the only medication approved for long-term treatment. A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), Zoloft slows reabsorption of the chemical serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is believed to play a role in the regulation of mood and anxiety. Illustration by Alexandra Gordon, Verywell How to Take Zoloft Zoloft comes in tablet or liquid form. You must swallow the tablets wholeâ€"not chewed or crushed. You must combine the liquid form of Zoloft with one of the following before use: water, ginger ale, lemon-lime soda, lemonade or orange juice. Combine the prescribed amount of medication with one-half cup of the chosen liquid, and be sure to prepare each dose immediately before you take it, not in advance.?? In general, Zoloft is taken once daily, with or without food. If you forget to take a daily dose, take it when you remember. However, if it is close to the time of your next dose, it is better to skip the missed dose altogether. It is important to continue taking Zoloft as long as your doctor instructs, even if you begin to feel better. If you abruptly stop taking Zoloft, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, tremors, lightheadedness, muscle pains, weakness, insomnia, and anxiety.?? To avoid these symptoms, your doctor will slowly taper your dosage when you stop taking Zoloft. Dosage Guidelines For people with social anxiety disorder, a typical dosage of Zoloft starts at 25 mg, with an increase to 50 mg after one week. Weekly increases up to a maximum dose of 200 mg are permitted for patients who do not respond to lower doses.?? Who Shouldnt Take Zoloft Zoloft should be used with caution if you:?? Have impaired liver or kidney function, heart disease, diabetes, or a history of seizuresHave a bipolar disorder or a family history of bipolar disorderAre pregnant or planning to become pregnantAre breastfeedingAre allergic to sertralineAre being treated with medication for alcohol abuse Zoloft has not been approved for the treatment of social anxiety disorder in people under 18 years of age. There is some evidence to suggest an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children taking Zoloft.?? Medication Interactions Zoloft should not be taken in combination with, or within weeks of taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Use of Zoloft with pimozide is contraindicated.?? Use caution when taking a number of other medications in combination with Zoloft. Consumption of alcohol is also not advised while taking Zoloft. In general, you should tell your doctor about any prescription or over-the-counter medications, or any other substances that you are taking or plan to take. Side Effects Side effects of Zoloft may include nausea, drowsiness, sweating, dizziness, dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased appetite, sexual dysfunction, and insomnia.?? When first starting Zoloft, or when changing dosage, watch for more serious side effects such as agitation, nervousness, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, tremors, seizures, persistent vomiting or nausea, severe abdominal pain, changes in urine or stools (dark or increased urine, black stools), or yellowing of the eyes or skin. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to report these to your doctor right away. It is also important to contact your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as trouble breathing, severe dizziness, swelling, itching, or a skin rash. Zoloft may make you feel drowsy and less alert. It is important not to drive, operate dangerous machinery, or participate in hazardous activities unless you are sure that Zoloft is not affecting you in this way. Associated Risks The risk of a fatal overdose of Zoloft is low. Symptoms of an overdose include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, increased or slow heart rate, and coma.?? When combined with some medications, there is a ?risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal condition. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include agitation, confusion, sweating, hallucinations, abnormal reflexes, muscle spasms, and rapid heartbeat.??

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Themes Joseph Merrick and Elephant Man Essay - 940 Words

Breaking through the Blindness: A Fight for Freedom The three short stories we read, The Elephant in the Village of Blind, 20/20, and The Cathedral, all have many common themes with the movie The Elephant man. What intrigues me the most is the hidden underlining meaning each and every story carries. There are three prominent themes I would like to discuss, the figurative and the literal blindness of the characters in the works, enlightenment, and the freedom the characters experience throughout each individual piece. The themes also go hand in hand because one cannot learn a lesson without achieving enlightenment, and cannot free themselves if there is no blinding barrier. The one prominent similarity in all the works is the blindness†¦show more content†¦Even though sometimes people are deceived by other aspects and judge hashly by first impression, eventually they will surely change their perspective to understand things more clearly. There are times when ones vision is blinded due to the lack of experience, but once they cross that barrier they surely reach enlightenment. The four young mothers sitting on the bench, in the story The Elephant in the Village of the Blind, came to a realization that the elephant in fact is not a scary creature but an enormous, gentle ox with a stretched nose. If the villagers would have never given the elephant a chance, they would have been blinded from the idea of a dangerous elephant and probably would not have been delightfully enlightened to find out how gentle the elephant is. Bill, in 20/20, gets enlightened towards the end of the story. Even though at first he found Ruthies imagination and her vision naive, he decided to drive and try t see the world from Ruthies perspective. At the end of the story The Cathedral, Robert says Its really something to the experience he received by drawing the cathedral blindfolded. He judged the blind man from the beginning and did not like the fact that the man was in his hou se, but eventually he realizes how much he was missing out on and was enlightened by the experience of drawing blindfolded. We also see the same occurrence in the movie The Elephant man, the whole townShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of Gregor Samsa1383 Words   |  6 PagesLauren Johnson Ariel McCarter English 2B 3 April 2017 The Life of Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis vs. Joseph Merrick, â€Å"Elephant Man† One person who lived a life that greatly resembled Gregor is Joseph Merrick, the â€Å"Elephant Man.† Merrick was afflicted with a genetic disease, possibly Proteus syndrome (James 554), that deformed him to the point that his skin resembled an elephant. There were bony growths on his face and body. From difficulty moving around to challenges with communications, there

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vietnam Essay - 1320 Words

After thinking about all the things we would learn this year in American history I decided to do my project on the experiences of Vietnam War veterans. There is a lot of controversy as to whether or not the Vietnam War veterans are given enough recognition for what they went through. I have heard horrible stories of US soldiers dying from US bombs, shell shock, and soldiers returning to America and not being able to function as active members of society due to the horrors of the war. All I really know about the war is what I have seen on television. I wanted to learn about the war through the firsthand accounts of those who were there. The Vietnam War was a military struggle fought in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975. It began as an†¦show more content†¦Many, especially those who suffered physical trauma, have no jobs and are forced to beg for food on street corners and live under bridges. The first book I read was Bouncing Back. It was a collection of the experiences of a group of Air Force pilots who were gunned down and taken as prisoners of war. The post-POW lives of the Air Force pilots I read about contrasted greatly with those of the Marines I read about in The War In I Corps. The Marines lived dirty lived in the Jungles of Vietnam. One of the best things about The War In I Corps was its great descriptions of the things the Marines had to go through. As Richard A. Guidry put it : â€Å"In a driving rain, laden with heavy packs, our platoon lumbered toward its place in the long line of men sprawled in the thick sticky mud.... The rain added a slimy quality to the crust of dirt and fungus that encased my body. Running my fingers across my arm was like following the tracks of a snail.†3 It really gave me a feel for what they were going through. It made me wonder how they didn’t just not fight. The war wasn’t theirs, but due to bad luck they were stuck in this horrible jungle forced to fight an enemy they had no reason to hate. Living like animals with practically no food and little or no contact with Their families. Under the same conditions I think I would sit under a tree and wait it out. WhileShow MoreRelatedVietnam Culture Dimension Of Vietnam Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesVietnam Culture Dimension Each country will have the own culture. As the country Vietnam is a country living in feudalism. Vietnam has a distinctive culture and ancient associated with the history of the formation and development of the nation. Vietnam has a rich culture and diversity in all aspects. Vietnamese people have many different festivals along with community significance, and sustainable confidence in the different beliefs about religion. Ability to Influence Power distance dimensionRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam920 Words   |  4 Pages1940’s Vietnam was trying to break free of French reign over their country. During this time period Vietnam was split into two parts, north and south. The Japanese had decided to take over Vietnam in 1942. They couldn’t capture all of Vietnam, so they decided to retreat. North Vietnam proclaimed independence on September 2, 1945 as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The State of Vietnam declared independence on June 14, 1949, but remained under French rule until August 1, 1954. South Vietnam was theRead MoreThe Vietnam War On Vietnam1725 Words   |  7 PagesThe War on Vietnam Many believe that the way Americans entered the war against the North Vietnam communists was unjust. The United States got into a war that they had no clue on how to win. â€Å"The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973Read MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War3709 Words   |  15 Pageswhenever you ask an American about Vietnam there first thought ultimately goes to the Vietnam War. Little do they refer to modern day Vietnam or are aware of current events. I know this because I conducted a 25 person questionnaire. Yes, 25 people is a very small amount and doesn’t extend through every age group I am aware of this, but over the years from my personal prospective of Americans that is all I have really ever perceived. It is important to realize that Vietnam like any other country in theRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1573 Words   |  7 PagesA. The Vietnam War occurred from 1955-1975, this included the North and South fighting over government structure of the newly independent state of Vietnam, having recently become independent from France. However, the USA was in Vietnam as a sort of protection for the South Vietnamese people, who had a weaker army force, but only a few thousand Americans were in Vietnam for that purpose at the time. On August 7, 1964, the USA entered the war for the purpose of fighting the North Vietnamese due toRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1540 Words   |  7 PagesMany Americans know about the war that was held in Vietnam, known as The Vietnam War. What Some Americans may not know is the side of Vietnam, and how they were affected with the aftermath. Originally The Vietnamese were controlled by France from 1859 until the defeat of France in World War II (The Vi etnam War). Though conflicts had been occurring for many years with France, the Vietnam war didn t actually happen until 1946 the first Indochina War fought between France and the Viet Minh VietnameseRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1711 Words   |  7 Pages â€Æ' The Vietnam War was one of the bloodiest wars in the history of Vietnam. Vietnam use to be a peaceful country until the idea of communism started spreading across Vietnam. Many wanted to stay democratic but saw what happened to the Germans and started to lean towards communism. Many also wanted to stay democratic and still had it hopes high that it will soon get their lives and economy back on track. It later exploded into a huge argument and then leads to a civil war spurring between NorthRead MoreVietnam : A Look Into Vietnam1133 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"A Look into Vietnam† Vietnam resembles the shape of a seahorse that stretches southeast into the Pacific Ocean; Vietnam is known as to as the â€Å"balcony of the Pacific.† By way of its water transportation links that were developed prior to rail and road networks, Vietnamese migration pressed southward (Nam Tien) along the coast. (Taus-Bolstad, 2006) Distinct regions meant that trade was more than a means to establish national unity within a dispersed settler society. (Taus-Bolstad, 2006) A geographicalRead MorePEST vietnam1225 Words   |  5 Pages On Vietnam PEST analysis of Vietnam  ·Political factors:  · government type: Vietnam is known as a Socialist Republic.  · freedom on economy: Vietnam has not high economic freedom, which score is 51.0. Even though the index of Vietnam can not compare with western developed countries’, however since 1986 the government implement open-door to the outsider world policy, making Vietnam becoming to an open country and attractingRead MoreHonda Vietnam1218 Words   |  5 Pages1-Introduction to Honda Vietnam 2-Vietnam’s potential powers for developing motorcycle industry 3-The distribution of Honda Heads 4-Prices 5- Case: Price of Honda Vietnam vs Honda Thailand motorcycle 6-Competitive abilities of Honda verse other firms 7-Development since establishment 1-Introduction to Honda Vietnam name:  Honda Vietnam Corporation. Honda Vietnam Corporation was established in 1998. Head office: Phuc Yen district- Vinh Phuc province Honda Vietnam (HVN) is a joint venture

Conflict critique Free Essays

A conflict is a disagreement between individuals or groups which when remain unresolved, may need the intervention of a mediator to prevent escalation of the dispute. Conflict transformation on the other hand is when an individual mindset, attitude, skills and capabilities changes so they can deal with conflict resolution Issues. Indispensable in the process Is the modeling of spiritual lessons as taught In the Bible. We will write a custom essay sample on Conflict critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now In our everyday lives we face some kind of conflict this Is because we are surrounded by different individuals with different personalities and believe when efferent Individuals come together these personalities clash. The problem of conflict happens especially in schools and this Is why a course Like conflict transformation Is Important especially for school children. The course of conflict transformation seeks to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the nature of conflict. The course gives students ways of how they should manage conflict and successfully deal with conflict In different circumstances. During this semester the course have thought me some valuable things such as: the nature and causes of conflict, we have articulated in different conflict situation, developed skills and attitude towards solving conflict. The different skills that I have learnt have brought transformation in my life. Before learning skills of which to deal with conflict my ways of handling conflict was unhealthy. Whenever I had an issue with someone I would blurt it out in front of a crowd instead of doing it in a peaceful and respectful way. I would not listen when persons try to come to an agreement but since I have been introduced to this course I have learnt how to handle my disputes in the right way. Great impact as been made in my personal life. Now I understand the nature of conflict and that emotions play an integral part in conflict. Usually I let my emotions take control of me during a conflict, but conflict transformation as thought me the skill of emotional intelligence. This is where you learn to control your emotions and do not let your emotions take control so to let you make wrong decisions without strong feelings. Anger is an emotion which when expressed, causes a person to acts out of character and sometimes loose self-control, resorting to verbally, emotionally, and sometimes hectically abusing another person or persons. Sometimes, anger may be expressed for self-defense and â€Å"righteous indignation. This is one emotion which I had problems with. When I was angry, my anger over powered my thoughts. Instead of letting an emotion like anger cloud my thoughts now, I control my feelings, express my emotions in a non-aggressive way. Another Impact the course had made In my personal life is that it reminded me of an Important thing, which I must learn and always do, listen. When you do not listen to Indiv iduals you tend to misinterpret what they had said. This causes conflict and also put a halt In solving some conflicts. Not listening caused me to be In many conflict In the past. I did not stop to listen and understand. I now listen to Individuals as to show them that I care, that I have respect for them In addition to showing them that I have Interest In the Issue at hand. Due to this course I am now a better person because my life has been transformed. It has made some significant impact on my life. To avoid conflict I 4)Attacking the person, not the problem 5)Establishing objectivity 6)Use of Sarcasm 7)Tone of voice. Instead of not caring and wasting time arguing I am now†¦ ) Being aware of the emotional atmosphere. 2) Being sensitive of what we say and how we say it. 3) Seeking to be a peacemaker. 4) Being willing to negotiate your position on an issue and show respect for the opinion of others. 5) Being compassionate. 6) Practicing fair play and objectivity. 7) Seeking to create a win-win situation in a conflict. I am glad I was able to do a course such as this because it has given me a new perceptive o how to deal with people. I now can make myself to be a healthy, kind hearted person in addition to helping others. How to cite Conflict critique, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Strict Construtionalism Essays - Strict Constructionism, Government

Strict Construtionalism The Possibilities of a Strict Interpretation of the Constitution The Supreme Court ruling on McCulloch vs. Maryland dramatically impacted the United States. The life of every American would have been more dependent on the States rather than the United States. The emphasis of power would focus on the sovereignty of the local, or State, branches of the government. This is the exact opposite of our currently domineering federal government. The United States would have become a totally different nation if the doctrine of strict constructionism had been followed. The first difference of life would be the support the national government would both give and receive. The federal government would be far less bureaucratic. This is mainly because the government would not have the funds for it. They would demand less in taxes and would have much less to spend it on. The government would not have any assistance programs to spend its money on. The Social Security Act would not exist unless it was administered through State government. Another part of the government that would be altered would be the act of factioning. Without liberal constructionism, the government would probably been split up during the Civil War. The emphasis on State control would have overridden the necessity to preserve the Union. The power of the States would prove superior to the rights and privileges of the national government, thus giving the authority to separate from the Union to the States. The government from would be much reminiscent of a confederation. The United States would not really be united at all. The inability to make useful and convenient laws would ultimately cause a separation in the legal system. There would be no way of the national government to regulate any State rules. Without liberal constructionism, the United States would not be advanced as a world super power. The United States government would not have been able to connect a nation. The United States would not have had the opportunity to create a highway system or a communication network. The advances would also be hampered by the inability to create NASA or other government funded research initiatives. Without such program our nation would have lost the space race and probably would have had many more casualties in the various fighting capacities it has taken on. Liberal constructionism is, was, and will be vital to the survival of the nation. Liberal constructionism, in essence, is vital in uniting the nation. Without this interpretation our nation would be much worse off. The Supreme Court justices in retrospect made a wise decision when favoring McCulloch. Despite the vehement hate towards a strong federal government, the governments of this world simply cannot operate when power is centered in local governments. Politics Essays

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Planning an Outing Essay Essays

Planning an Outing Essay Essays Planning an Outing Essay Essay Planning an Outing Essay Essay The process to follow if an accident or unwellness is to happen You may necessitate to measure the state of affairs. neer haste as this could ensue in bad manual handling. Check the country around you is safe. and if non take all jeopardies. Merely administer exigency foremost assistance if you are trained to make so. Get aid so they can phone exigency services or if entirely name yourself but do certain you know the facts before you call. Make certain you report everything every bit shortly as possible. Make certain you clean and sanitise the country if any muss was left behind. Principles of Safe Moving and Handling Always read a service users care program and follow wellness and safety act. Never lift service user manually. measure the service user to see if any alterations have been made that may alter their demands. Plan the undertaking before you even get down to travel service user and do certain you allow them cognize at all times what you are making and acquire at that place consent. Make sure you have the right equipment for the undertaking and that it meets the demands of the service user. Check for any jeopardies and guarantee managing country is clear of any obstructors. Give clear instructions to colleague’s/service user as to who’s taking the lead in the traveling procedure as helps any confusion to care workers/assistants and service user. If service user needs an aided stand/lift make certain right position. pess apart in way of the motion. elbows near to the organic structure. utilize your organic structure weight to travel service user set from the articulatio genu ss and non the dorsum. An account of why it’s of import to follow the attention program and communicate with each person when helping and traveling If you are a assistant in a intervention puting it’s ever of import to follow attention program that has been made by a societal worker since they have a disciplined manner of measuring a patient’s needs. Communicating with each service user potentially truly eases service user’s anxiousness. particularly if you can construct resonance. Communicating with colleague’s truly helps you understand you function with service user. Staff responsibilities for medicine in societal attention puting Safe disposal of medical specialties agencies that medical specialties are given in a manner that avoids doing injury to a individual. merely give medical specialties to the individual they were prescribed for. people should have the right medical specialty at the right clip and in the right manner. The attention suppliers duty to supply writ ten processs that set out precisely how to give out medical specialties and it’s the attention workers duty to follow these processs. It is besides all staffs duty to follow the seven rights of medicine disposal are as follows ; The right patientThe right drugsThe right dosageThe right pathThe right clipThe right individualThe right certification A brief description of agreed processs for obtaining. hive awaying. administrating. entering the medicine for the outing Obtaining. where the attention supplier is responsible for obtaining supplies of medical specialty on behalf of the service user. the attention worker should look into that there is adequate to last for the following few days/the outing and to order the medical specialties as agreed in the service bringing program. All fresh habitue and refused medicine should be returned to the pharmaceutics at the terminal of the day/month. However. all needed medicine which is fresh should be retained and used as directed on the attention plan/labels. Storing medical specialties. attention worker/assistant must hold right packaging for medical specialties depending on how long journey can be for illustration. if a short trip there are brown bags available from local chemists/pharmacy to hive away them in for short journeys. If journey may be longer there are besides blister batt alions gettable. They hold a 28 days’ worth of medical specialties. Particular colors for different times of the day/night as different service users may necessitate thought the day/outing i. e. Pink is for forenoon. yellow is for tiffin. orange for flushing. blue for dark clip medicine. Care workers/assistants need to maintain them in a cool environment and have a list of all medicines merely in instance a service doesn’t non take them and place which service user refused. Administer. to choose step and give medicine to a service user as specified in the attention program. Care workers/personal helper will merely administrate in specially agreed fortunes where appraisal of the service user under the mental capacity act has determined that the service user does non hold the capacity to do determinations sing medicine for themselves and can non self-medicate. instruct others manage their medicine. Recording. A signifier used to enter the inside informations of motivating and helping the medicine and related undertakings. and any other information sing the medicine or related undertakings. Normally designed to demo what was given. the dose given. the clip given and the individuality of the individual who gave it which should ever be signed and dated. An account of the attention workers attach toing the persons on the excursion should hold particular preparation before each of the followers. Transporting out exigency foremost assistance. helping and managing. managing medicine In the societal attention puting attention workers/assistants need specialist preparation before transporting out foremost assistance because if a service user needs any kind of exigency assistance they need to be able to measure the state of affairs and be able to hold right processs in topographic point in order to salvage someone’s life. It could besides be really harmful if non. Helping with traveling and managing in order to understand how to help service user besides how to utilize right equipment with assurance to assist ease service user. Managing medicine. societal attention worker/assistant to hold understanding about the service users medical conditions besides can supervise or describe any of import alterations. The attention worker/assist ant needs all comprehension of most medical specialties and how they can impact service users.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Maximize Your Networking Success with LinkedIns Latest Updates

Maximize Your Networking Success with LinkedIns Latest Updates A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the latest LinkedIn updates in the graphics and media realm, including the new inclusion of GIFs. There have also been many to LinkedIns networking tools, including SEO analytics, ease of job referrals, and LinkedIn Group functions (it seems the rumors that Groups were going to be eliminated were just rumors). Here’s the run-down of LinkedIn updates to help you with your networking success in LinkedIn: SEO (Keywords) Identify How People are Finding You Have you wanted to know what search terms other members use to find your profile? Or did you think you needed a Premium subscription to be privy to that information? Well, look no further than your profile page, where you can scroll down to your dashboard and click on Search appearances. At the bottom of the page, youll see a section called Keywords your searchers used. This list shows the top keywords members were searching when they found and clicked on your profile in the past week. Keep in mind that most of the people who viewed your profile may not have been looking for your particular expertise, but LinkedIn’s algorithm landed you into their search results. Also look here to find out the most common professions of people viewing your profile: If you’re not happy with the breakdown you see, it might be time to adjust your keywords! Networking Private Comments @Mentions With the latest LinkedIn updates, you can now reply privately to comments using the three dots dropdown: If you want to comment on an article or update and don’t want the world to see it, use this option. Plus, LinkedIn has finally gotten with the program and implemented @mentions. To tag someone in a comment or post, use the @ symbol to get a list of potential people to mention – including people not in your network! When they see the mention, they will likely respond to your post. The people you mention will receive notification and an email letting them know you’ve mentioned them. If you get mentioned and you don’t want the publicity, you can remove the mention. See Removing a Mention of Yourself. You can also control your settings to prevent mentions. Job Search Referral Requests Are you a job seeker? You can now easily ask for a referral from connections at a company youd like to work for. Heres how: Go to the Jobs tab and locate a job opening that interests you and also lists connections: Once on the positions page, click Ask for a referral. Select a connection you know well and click Message. LinkedIn offers a ready-made message, or you can draft your own. The more personal, the better. I highly recommend that you use this feature, since 85% of jobs are found through networking! What a goldmine! Control Your Real-Time Messaging LinkedIn messaging has evolved over the last few months with the inclusion of the active status and smart reply messages. (For more on these features, read my December 2017 article on last years round of LinkedIn changes). You might like having others know you’re available to chat. If you prefer to do business incognito, theres a way to turn off the typing indicators: First, go to your Settings Privacy. Under the Communications tab, scroll down to Read receipts and typing indicators and turn the switch to Off. You’ll notice these On-Off toggle switches in other items in Settings Privacy as well. I encourage you to go through every section of your privacy settings to make sure they are set the way you want them! Groups Receiving Group Notifications You can now choose to include activity from your group posts in your Notifications, such as likes, comments, and @mentions, as well as group invitations. To control your notifications, visit the Communications tab in  Settings Privacy and review your Notifications on LinkedIn. Sending Group Announcements If youre currently a group owner, you may have notice that LinkedIn has changed the way you can send announcements to your members. You used to be able to go to the groups manage page and send the announcement from there. That link has disappeared. To send a group announcement now, go to the groups home page and click on Start a conversation with your group. Youll then youll see an option to Send an announcement. Enter the subject and details of your message, including images, and post. I recommend the â€Å"Send   Test Announcement† option so you can see what the message will look like in your members inboxes. Note that you are limited to sending only one announcement every 7 days. With all of LinkedIn’s updates, it takes a lot to remain a savvy user. I’m committed to give you the updates you need to keep on top of your KILLER LinkedIn profile and to optimize your activities on LinkedIn. Have questions? Ask and your question could be featured in a future article! To get the latest from my blog on LinkedIn topics like this, sign up for my LinkedIn Professional Writing e-list, and if you are interested in working with me on your LinkedIn profile or other strategies, you might like to start with my  20-minute live LinkedIn profile review.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

First Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Writing Assignment - Essay Example Most members of the Black community were also left homeless as their residences had been destroyed by the whites during the riots that had been racially motivated. Oklahoma had passed state legislation that entrenched racial segregation while its constitution disfranchised most blacks from voting or serving in juries or administrative duties. On August 16, 1916, Tulsa had passed an ordinance that forbade blacks or whites from taking residence in a block in which three quarters were members of the other race, a law which had been found to be illegal by the Supreme Court. After the First World War, the veterans, especially those from the Black community, started fighting for their civil rights mainly through racially motivated riots. On Monday, May 30, 1921 which was Memorial Day, Dick Rowland, a shoe shiner of black origin was alleged to have assaulted or in some versions raped Sarah Page, a while elevator operator and reported to the authorities. The authorities conducted an investigation which, was low key in manner but Rowland due to fear went into hiding in the Greenwood neighborhood where his mother stayed though Page was not pressing for any charges. This happening brought about a lot of debate about what happened with the Tulsa Tribune, sensationalizing the matter and demanding for the nabbing, and if possible the lynching of Rowland. There was also a stand-off at the Tulsa County Courthouse where the white people had gathered with intention to lynch Rowland. The black community in the nearby Greenwood Avenue also mobilized themselves in an attempt to protect Rowland from any lynching that the white community intended to commit. With both communities, the white and the black armed, they surrounded the co urthouse despite being told to go back to their homes and avoid any act of confrontation or acts of violence.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Are all pressure ulcers avoidable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Are all pressure ulcers avoidable - Essay Example At all times, nurses should observe the law and ethics related to informed consent (Selinger, 2009). Assuming that the patient has severe dementia or some kind of severe mental illnesses, it would be difficult for the nurse to seek permission from the patient prior to the delivery of care. Therefore, the nurses should at all times make sure that their decision-making gives justice and will not harm the patient in any way (i.e. physically, psychologically, etc.) (Selinger, 2009). To avoid facing ethical or legal problems, all nurses should regularly upgrade their knowledge concerning all legal and ethical aspects that defines the nursing profession (Barnard, Nash and OBrien, 2005). Action 2 – In relation to the NMC (2002) Code of Professional Conduct, the patient’s real name should be kept confidential at all times in order to protect the patient’s privacy and avoid the risks of unintentionally causing harm to the patient. Action 3 – Brian, who is 55 years old, refuses to accept the nurse’s advice and equipment that should be used for his treatment. In relation to nursing ethics, the case of Brian should be addressed by examining the principles of autonomy. Since the patient refuses to accept the nurse’s advice and equipment that should be used for his treatment, the nurse should respect the patient’s decision (Selinger, 2009). To avoid facing any legal problem in the future, perhaps it is best for the nurse to get the patient to sign a form stating about his decision not to accept the nurse’s advice and equipment that should be used for his treatment. Action 4 – Brian, aged 55 years suffers from multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a health condition wherein the patient’s immune system could adversely affect the main function of the myelin (Falvo, 2014, pp. 109–110). As the disease progresses, the

Saturday, January 25, 2020

dystopia Vs Utopia ( A clockwork orange Vs. Player Piano :: essays research papers

Utopia can be defined as a place immune from inhumane treatment and absent of the hardships of society , where the population is blindfolded from fear, anxiety, and general negative aspects of human nature. A utopia can be generalized as that perfect society. This is one type of a drastic society. There is another, more appalling type of society, that of a dystopia. A Dystopia is nor a fairyland or the promised-land like the utopia is, it looks at the chaos, anarchy, rebellion and disorder of a society. As we compare these two opposite society types, there are two books that are the poster child of utopia and dystopia. Those two books are Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano", and Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange". In Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" we follow the hero Paul Protues through his utopian society. Where in his society they have just recovered from a ten year war and now has been built up and ran completely by machines. Furthermore a super computer always controls the populations actions, it acts as a shepherd leading the sheep. However where there are sheep there is always a ever lurking black sheep, Paul is that of a black sheep. Through his journey in this utopian society we follow his rebellion against the super computer and machines. As Paul progresses in his society it becomes less and less of a utopia on more and more of a force fed, totally governed society where there is little freewill. As we follow his expedition we can see the changing society from a utopia to what Paul perceives as a dystopia. In Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange" we observe the antagonist Alex in his blatant dystopia society. Where in his society they have high criminal activity and few police. We follow Alex and his "droogs" as they acts like Vikings, raping, pillaging, and burning. Alex has no respect for law and order he rebels in part one of the novel . However Alex is eventually caught by the police and put in jail. In jail he is tricked to being rehabilitated to becoming a productive member of society. After this forced rehabilitation Alex is then to perceive society as a utopian society and stop being so violent. He has lost his own freewill and his identity. When ever Alex thinks of violent images he then gets sick to his stomach.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Morocco a developing country

Developing countries are countries with non- or undeveloped industrial base, low living standards, and low HDI (Human Development Index) compared to developed countries like the United States and the European Union countries. Morocco is a good example of a typical developing country. It has an undeveloped industrial base, low living standards, and a low HDI. In fact, Morocco is ranked at the 130th place over 185 member states of the UN in 2013. Also, according to the United Nations Development Program, Morocco has a medium human development.The reasons that make Morocco a developing country are numerous. Actually, the three main reasons that make the Cheriflan Kingdom a developing country are: French colonialism, low standards of social programs, and absence of human rights. Firstly, Morocco is a developing country because of its historical roots. Indeed, one of the main reasons that make Morocco a developing country is the French Protectorate. The French Protectorate, or the French colonialism, worsened the situation in Morocco since its establishment in 1912 until the Independence in 1956.The French and some Moroccan elite constituted by bourgeois Fassis and Rbatis took the biggest part of cake. This French-Moroccan oligarchy took share of the biggest and most lucrative businesses in Morocco such as agriculture, banks and insurance, industry, and politics. This situation made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Until nowadays, we still notice than the nerve of Morocco, which is economics, is still held by noble and notoriously rich families. Thus, the distribution of wealth in Morocco is unbalanced as we observe that there are the rich, the poor, and a small entity that akes the middle class.In developed countries, middle classes are the ones that empower the economics and politics of a country. Take the example of Norway where a minister uses a bike or public transportation to get to his/her Job. We are not ready to see this anytime soon in Morocco. My argu ment, which is based on a historical basis, is that Morocco suffered and is still suffering from the French colonialism and that the Protectorate was mainly in advantage of France not of the majority of Moroccans, who were very poor in the first half of the twentieth century.Unfortunately, Morocco has a very low standard of social programs. Instead of taking the best part of the French colonialism, Morocco took by large the bad side of the French system: one of the most tangible consequences of the French presence in Morocco is the cultural alienation. However, Morocco did not take advantage of some aspects of the French system such as the Social Security. Indeed, the French Social Security is a program made by diverse organizations that take care of citizens in four contexts: illness, old age, family, and accident. In Morocco, there is no such system.Unless you are working in the state owned sector or in a good private company, you don't have access to the Social Security. Morocco has only organizations such as CNOPS, CNSS, or private insurance and banking companies that have a backup role in case of unfortunate happening. This is a major factor that does not make Morocco a developed country, but a developing one. Finally, Morocco has a long standing reputation of non respecting human rights. Right atter the French colonialism, King Hassan 2 came to power and starts to use repressive techniques to dissuade some zealous intellectuals.Fortunately, with the present of the contemporary King Mohamed 6, the situation is getting better especially with the instauration of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission. One of the most important criteria of a developed country is to respect human rights and maintain freedom for every citizen. Unfortunately, Morocco is not very good in that topic. We still have abuse of power, corrupted politicians, civil servants, and forces of security servants. Consequently, Morocco still has a long path to follow until it reaches a full status of democracy and becomes a developed country.To sum up, Morocco should have Scandinavian countries as role models since they are truly the perfect example of developed and modern nations. All the four Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland) suffered from the WW II but have reborn from their ashes like a phoenix. Morocco has never been involved in a major bloody war but still suffers from the presence of a soft power called Protectorate. As a country with a promising young population, we should be more open to the world, be working harder, pragmatic, and more tolerant to achieve the status of a developed country.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Population Control - 1497 Words

Population Control Population growth, a topic most likely insignificant to the common man, but the world’s population growth and control of that population growth is necessary for our overall survival. The issue has been discussed due to fear of the world becoming overpopulated. Experts and nations alike have monitored this recent growth in our population to predict any struggle that may occur before it is encountered. If the world becomes overpopulated, the limited amount of resources we have would not be able to support the entirety of the people in need. Also, if left unmonitored, the growth of our population could fluctuate and cause unsuspected chaos in terms of death to birthrates, male to female rates. Having more men than women†¦show more content†¦Since couples can only have one child, and in Chinese culture a boy brings better fortune and is more respected in society, couples that conceive a girl as there one child give her away or abort her in order to conc eive a boy child instead. This problem has caused China’s man to woman ratio to shift extremely in the favor of men. Therefore, the country is overall becoming less fertile and fated to becoming under populated. This is another reason why monitoring population growth is beneficial. The projection of population not only allows governments to predict a decline, but also allows governments to monitor the future death to birth rates and men to woman rates. All of which are equally as vital. China has been one victim to overpopulation, and the government of China was able to project and maintain the situation, to un-intensify its tragic results. However, China’s solution to over population is not the only one. It is theorized that the world can maintain a larger population without complications, under lower standards of living. Resulting in more deaths and an overall population decline. (Arsenault) This is true because the world’s growing population is also a result of the world’s overall better living conditions. (Leahy) Confiscating those fairly good living conditions, and the population will slowly decline to a sustainable amount. However, this becomes a double standard because the people will notShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Population Control1188 Words   |  5 PagesPopulation Control Are there really methods of population control? Population control, the speechless facts of existence of the 1970’s and 1980’s, was the catchphrase of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Could government programs, contraception, war, and poverty be methods of control already in effect today? Population growth occurs when the birthrate outweighs the date rate; therefore factors have to be put in play to affect population on growth. Population Growth First, is the world really overpopulatedRead MoreThe Problem Of Population Control1366 Words   |  6 PagesPopulation control is an idea that has been thrown around world-wide for years. One may wonder what population control would even mean for its partakers. As one researches population control, many different viewpoints are found. There are the viewpoints of those who are oblivious to the struggles an economy will be forced to face if population control is not put into effect; then, there are others who recognize the responsibility they have to care for their country the way it has cared for them forRead MorePopulation Control Essay842 Words   |  4 PagesPopulation Control The population problem has no technical solution; it requires a fundamental extension in morality. -Garrett Hardin The prediction that spawned a generation of alarmist has now in turned on its head. But the prospect of an emptier planet is creating its own set of problems. -Ben J Wattenberg The realization of the worlds population crisis is creating new and disturbing ideas by many people to solve our over population problem. Many ideas are beingRead MorePopulation Control And Its Effect On The Growth Of A Human Population1126 Words   |  5 PagesPopulation control refers to the practice of artificially altering the rate of growth of a human population. Historically, this has been made possible by limiting the birth rate, usually by government mandate. It-) has been undertaken as a response to factors including high or increasing levels of poverty, environmental concerns, religious reasons, and overpopulation. The idea that population control is needed to be implemented in society dates back to 1798, when Thomas Malthus suggested it in hisRead MoreEssay Sustainable Development and Population Control1569 Words   |  7 PagesSustainable Development and Population Control      Ã‚  Ã‚   A nineteen year old pregnant Chinese girl is forced to abort because she is too young to have a child. Iran, an Islamic nation, instructs religious leaders to promote contraception as a social duty. A Norwegian international banker worries about migratory tensions that would engulf his nation with waves of third world immigrants. A Los Angles Times article decries the lack of an official United States population policy. What do these statementsRead MoreEducation Is The Best Form Of Population Control985 Words   |  4 PagesEducation is the best form of population control. I believe that population control policies are not necessary. As the world becomes more industrialized and equality becomes more prevalent, the total fertility rate goes down. We should not worry about implementing policies that lead to neglect and abuse but should be working towards educating women and giving them equal rights. The ability to make educated decisions is the most powerful driving force of all in my opinion. In the twentieth centuryRead MoreThe Implementation Of Population Control Against Poverty1320 Words   |  6 Pagesimplementation of population control against poverty. The idea of curbing population growth is not new, but it has only joined the environmental discourse over the course of the last century. As science and technology advance, humanity has succeeded in overcoming natural growth limits but not in sustainably addressing anthropocentric environmental issues. Each human places additional strain on the environment and contributes to its degradation. Therefore, non-coercive population control should be institutedRead MorePopulation Control. Overpopulation Is Defined As The â€Å"Condition1482 Words   |  6 PagesPopulation Control Overpopulation is defined as the â€Å"condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash† (Merriam-Webster). A similar way to think of this is if there are 10 people in a small elevator, it is going to feel congested and cramped. The people will be uncomfortable and they won’t be content with the current situation. This would be an impaired quality of life. If this is related to the environmental termRead More Morality of Population Control of Bangladesh Essay3521 Words   |  15 PagesMorality of Population Control of Bangladesh ABSTRACT: The rapid rate of population growth in the last half of the present century causes anxiety about the future of humanity because the amount of resources needed to satisfy basic necessities is extremely large. Correspondingly, the satisfaction of basic needs cannot be the sole criterion of the good life. Human beings have a right to live a life composed of things that make life go best. The case of Bangladesh shows that the majority of peopleRead MoreThe World Needs Population Control Essay1050 Words   |  5 Pages(Cover 444). The world population has almost doubled since 1965 and is currently growing at a rate of more than 80 million people every year (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 557). This is causing the climate to change and unemployment to increase. The world is slowly depleting its resources, and something needs to be done about it (Cover 444; Kuo 24). It is essential that the world implement global population control policies such as family limitations. It is obvious that the population has grown rapidly in