Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Report Analysis

Question: Prepare a proposal for checking workload that the company has been facing. Answer: Problem statement Computer R Us is company dealing with the manufacturing and retailing of the computer systems. The company has recently launched a repair and service division, Complete Care in the market with the main purpose of repairing and servicing the portable desktops, notebook, and laptops. The division deals in providing a rapid response to the various issues of the customers including the warranty repairs and technical inquire. However, owing to some reasons, the division is having trouble and has been receiving complaints relating to the shortages of the trained technical operators in the telephone center, distribution issues and parts unavailability problems as well. These issues of the company have been creating a negative impact on the perceptions of its customers relating to its customer service standards (Brock et al, 2013). Hence, as a result, a research proposal has been prepared in order to address the issues related to the management system of the company. Purpose of the research The main purpose of the research is to prepare a proposal for checking workload that the company has been facing. As the company is lacking the experts in dealing with the proper functioning of the business activities, it is creating a tremendous pressure on the company to provide its services within the estimated time line. Thus, more and more customers are reluctant to use the services as provided by the company. This situation has led to the generation of stress for both the company and its customers wherein the company has been facing with non-professionalism issues, as it is unable to meet the expectations of its customers. The research study, thus, deals in identifying, evaluating, and illustrating on the issues related to the deterioration of the business performed of the company. The research proposal deals in providing a platform for the company to tackle the issues such that to enhance its business performance in the future (Brudenall, 2015). Research design Rationale of the study The current situation of the company has been shown to remove certain issues related to the relationship with the existing customers. The organisation has been unable to create a healthier relationship with the client base and as a result, it can be found that it is not able to retain its existing clients who are being compelled to complain about the customer service of the company. The situation has been continuously deteriorating the retention of client and is one of the most important issues faced by the organisation. The situation could possibly lead to negative performance of the company if the customer base is reduced. Research model The research model design can be shown by the relationship between the business performance and customer. The model would help the researcher in investigating the value of the services being provided by the business consultants to the customers. According to lvarez, Lpez and Perry (2014), the companies are neglecting the expectations of the existing clients while providing services and are paying more attention towards new customers which has been the main reason behind the degradation of the customer service standards of the companies. Figure 1: Customer satisfaction model Source: Created by author Research approach The research approach deals with the process by which technology related to the research study and gathers some valuable and relevant information about the topic. The approach would be depending on the research variables that are derived from two most effective approaches, which could be implemented in the research study including the deductive and inductive approach (Billig Waterman, 2014). The researcher is required to illustrate the different types of theories, concepts, and models that could be available from the literature of the various researchers. After relating the theories concepts and models with the research topic, the researcher is then, required to correlate the data with the initial concept in order to provide the relevancy of the research study. In this way, the researcher should be able to discuss the reality based outcome for the research process. Inductive research approach deals with the development of new models and theories that could be helpful for conducting research at the end (Pickard, 2012). The researcher needs to identify the issues related to which way to the acquiring of the information in detail to construct news related to the research topic. However, for the conduction of the research process, the researcher would be choosing the deductive research approach as it would be less time consuming and would be cost effective for the conduction of the research process, which includes the illustration of new theories and models (Gast Ledford, 2014). The entire research study needs to follow the theories and models that would have in acquiring useful information such that to provide a framework that could be widely accepted and could be able to create a difference for the organization. Research philosophy The research process should be implementing the Positivism research approach which would be enabling the researcher to gain useful and relevant sources which could be authentic and based on the reality (Ackah-Baidoo, 2012). In this way, the researcher could be getting the opportunity to acquire the most accurate data. Implementation of the Positivism Research approach would also help the researcher to save the amount of time and budget while conducting the research process in order to construct a research study. Research aim The research process aims at checking workload that the company has been facing and providing an efficient solution for the proper functioning of the business activities. The research proposal deals in providing a platform for the company to tackle the issues such that to enhance its business performance in the future. The research study, deals in identifying, evaluating and illustrating on the issues related to the deterioration of the business performance of the company. Research objective The main objective of the research objective would be: To address the issues related to the business processes of the company To find the effectiveness of the Complete Care dividend of the company To evaluate the impact of the issues of the company on the customer satisfaction To improve on the Complete Care program Research questions What is your designation in the company? Are you facing any workload? What are the issues related to the deterioration of the business performance of the company? Is the new Complete Care division performing efficiently? What are the issues, which the division is facing? How do the issues affect the satisfaction of the customers? What measures could be done to eradicate the issues? Sample design The information related to the research topic should be collected from the employees working in the company. The total population of the employees working in the company should be selected as the sample (Agnihotri et al,. 2015). The findings should be obtained from the sample for the analysis and discussion of the information that is to be acquired from the research process. The researcher is thus, required to implement an appropriate unit for the sampling method. The researcher is also required to select the simple random sampling meted for slaying the individuals working in the company such that to provide them with equal opportunity for being selected as a part of the sample. The complete list of the population is to be evaluated for the advection of 100 employees wherefrom a sample of 80 samples should be selected. As the selected respondents are purely based on random sampling, the selection process is ensured to be free from any biasness. After the implementation of the data sampling, the researcher is then, required to collect the information through the implementation of the systematic sampling method. This systematic sampling method is a type of probability sampling where the sample respondents are selected from a large population based on the random starting pint and a fixed periodic individual. The researcher is then required to pick up a random number form the population wherein each n-the individual from the list is selected. The method is simple and should be conducting easily and hence, it should be implemented in the research process. Tools to be used The statistical tools to be used by the researcher for analysing the data being collected during the data collection upon implementing the sampling method are the standard deviation techniques and the bops program. The SPSS is a software package that helps in analysing the statistical data. The information should also be use to create the graphs and tables with the help of the software (Anfara Mertz, 2014). The standard deviation is a measure that could be used for quantifying the amount of variation or dispersion of the provided set of information values (Bayraktar et al. 2012). The information being acquired in the data collection method is said to be close the mean of the set if the standard deviation is close to zero. While, the information is said to be deviating or spread over the values of the standard deviation is higher. Data collection and analysis The data collection process should be involving the acquisition of the valuable information from the sources of the data including both the primary and secondary. The primary data can be collected through the conduction of the surveys, interviews based on the questionnaires being set in the research project (Blocker et al., 2012). The surveys including the questionnaire forms are required to be passed to 80 respondents. The observation should be based on the five grading scale. In addition, the observation would be enabling the researcher in identifying the appropriate strategy for the company to improve its business performance in order to meet with the expectations of its customers. The secondary data could be collected from the existing information as incorporated in the published journals, official statistics, newspaper articles, web information, and academic articles (Bringle et al, 2012). The data can be collected through the implementation of three methods including the surveys, interview, and focus groups. Moreover, the questionnaires are required to be formulated for conducting the research process in order to evaluate the issues of the company that have been creating a negative impact on the perceptions of its customers relating to its customer service standards. The secondary data should be involving the collection of information from the previous researchers being conducted in the customer satisfaction. The articles, case studies, and websites as relevant to the research study would be enabling the researcher in contrasting and comparing the concepts related to the customer satisfaction for the company. Budget and timeline Amount in (USD Budget time line July August September October Total Operating cost 24,000 25,000 24,100 17,900 91,000 Training and trained workers 4000 4000 4000 3000 15,000 Equipment Cost 3000 18,000 17,500 3,500 42,000 Cost 0 Activates Cost 7000 8000 12,000 8000 35,000 Total 38,000 55,000 57,600 32,400 183,000 Table 1: Budget for the research proposal Source: Created by author The costs involved in the conduction of the research proposal include the estimation of the variables involved with the process. These cost variables include the various activities treated to the conduction of the research involving the training costs, equipments costs, and operating costs. The other activates involve the costs related to the purchasing oaf the materials for the conduction of the data collection process. Dummy tables Survey statistics Characteristics Frequency Percentage Gender Male 56 Female 24 56.6 Age 20-29 83 54.6 30-39 11 33.1 40-49 41 12.2 Marital status Married 52 45.4 Unmarried 83 54.6 Qualification Graduate 25 37.7 Post graduate 10 62.7 Job experience 1-5 25 62.7 6-10 13 30.7 11-15 22 6.6 Monthly income 10,000-20,000 63 78.5 21,000-30,000 60 17.9 31,000-40,000 4 1.2 41,000 and above 8 2.4 Nature of Job Permanent 54 46.0 Contractual 81 54.0 Hierarchy level CEO 8 8.5 Managers 23 17.9 Supervisors 30 25.1 Workers 60 39.5 Table 2: Survey statistics related or the research proposal Source: Created by author Is Complete Care division performing efficiently? Count Percentage of Total 1- Strongly disagree 25 31 2- Disagree 19 24 3- Neutral 24 30 4- Agree 11 14 5- Strongly agree 1 1 Total 80 100 Table 3: Dummy table for data analysis Source: Created by author References Ackah-Baidoo, A., (2012). Enclave development and offshore corporate social responsibility: implications for oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa.Resources Policy,37(2), pp.152-159. Agnihotri, R., Dingus, R., Hu, M.Y. Krush, M.T., (2015). Social media: Influencing customer satisfaction in B2B sales.Industrial Marketing Management. lvarez, J.C., Lpez, J.F. Perry;, C.M., (2014), July. Total Quality Customer Satisfaction Model. InCBU International Conference Proceedings(Vol. 2, pp. 1-4). Anfara Jr, V.A. Mertz, N.T. eds., (2014).Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research. Sage Publications. Bayraktar, E., Tatoglu, E., Turkyilmaz, A., Delen, D. Zaim, S., (2012). 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